Stellenausschreibungen bei xart splitta e.V.

xart splitta e.V. sucht – vorbehaltlich der Finanzierung – ab dem 01. Januar 2024 eine Person für die inhaltliche Mitarbeit im Projekt #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (15h/Woche).

xart splitta ist eine Berliner Organisation mit einem Schwerpunkt auf die Themen Intersektionalität, post- und dekoloniale Theorie und Praxis, Erinnerungskulturen sowie Empowerment.
Bei #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken, einem durch die LADS geförderten Projekt, geht es um das Aufbauen und Stärken von cross-community solidarischen widerständigen Praxen, Allianzen und Bündnisspolitiken.

Die Förderung der Stelle ist derzeit noch nicht bestätigt und bis Dezember 2025 befristet, eine Verlängerung darüberhinaus wird angestrebt. Die Bezahlung erfolgt in Anlehnung an TVL 11.


  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse zu den Themen Intersektionalität, Black Feminist Thought, rassismus- und diskriminierungskritische Theorie und Praxis, post- und dekoloniale Theorie und Praxis, Empowerment sowie Kenntnisse zu den damit verbundenen aktuellen wissenschaftlichen und öffentlichen Diskursen
  • Konzipierung, Organisation und Durchführung von diskriminierungskritischen Veranstaltungen/Workshops/Projekten mit intersektionalem Empowerment Schwerpunkt
  • Interesse im Transfer und der Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis
  • Verwaltungsmitarbeit bezogen auf den eigenen inhaltlichen Projektbereich, z.B. Akquise und Abrechnungen von Projektmitteln
  • Öffentlichkeitsmitarbeit
  • Erfahrung sowohl mit dem Arbeiten in Teams als auch mit eigenständigem und eigeninitiativem Arbeiten
  • Vertraut mit der Arbeit und Reflektion in einem mehrheitlichen BIPoC Team und Vorstand
  • Sehr gute Erfahrung in cross-Community-basierter Arbeit
  • Veranstaltungen betreuen, z.B. Anmoderation/Moderation, Betreuung/Vorbereitung von Veranstaltungen inklusive Abenddienste, Auf- und Abbau

Und überdies:

  • Ein hohes Maß an Empathie und Einfühlungsvermögen
  • Kreativität und Flexibilität
  • Ein hohes Maß an strukturiertem und zielgerichtetem Arbeiten
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit MS-Office, gängigen Online-Conferencing-Tools und allen gängigen Social Media Kanälen
  • Wertschätzende Kommunikation

Wir möchten insbesondere BIPoC mit intersektionalen Lebensrealitäten zu einer Bewerbung ermutigen!

Aussagekräftige Bewerbungen mit allen üblichen Anlagen bitte bis zum 27.11.2023 als eine PDF an:

Die Bewerbungsgespräche finden voraussichtlich am 04. und 06.12.2023 statt.

Wir freuen uns auf eure Bewerbungen!

xart splitta e.V. sucht – vorbehaltlich der Finanzierung – ab dem 01. Januar 2024 eine Person in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und für den Barriereabbau im Projekt #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (10,5 Std./Woche).

xart splitta ist eine Berliner Organisation mit einem Schwerpunkt auf die Themen Intersektionalität, post- und dekoloniale Theorie und Praxis, Erinnerungskulturen sowie Empowerment.
Bei #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken, einem durch die LADS geförderten Projekt, geht es um das Aufbauen und Stärken von cross-community solidarischen widerständigen Praxen, Allianzen und Bündnispolitiken.

Die Förderung der Stelle ist derzeit noch nicht bestätigt und bis Dezember 2025 befristet. Eine Verlängerung darüberhinaus wird angestrebt. Die Bezahlung erfolgt in Anlehnung an TV-L 10.


  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse in den Bereichen und Intersektionalität, speziell Behindertenfeindlichkeit
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse in der Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und in der diskriminierungssensiblen Veranstaltungsorganisation
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse in der allgemeinen Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse in der Netzwerkarbeit und Fundraising Kampagnen 
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse um Umgang mit allen gängigen Social-Media-Kanälen
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse in der Referent*innen- und Netzwerkpflege
  • Sicherer, diskriminierungssensibler Schreibstil und Ausdrucksvermögen, um komplexe Sachverhalte zielgruppengerecht aufzuarbeiten
  • Erfahrung sowohl mit dem Arbeiten in Teams als auch mit eigenständigem und eigeninitiativem Arbeiten
  • Vertraut mit der Arbeit und Reflexion in einem mehrheitlichen BIPoC Team und Vorstand
  • Sehr gute Erfahrung in cross-Community-basierter Arbeit
  • Erfahrung in der Betreuung von Veranstaltungen

Und überdies:

  • Ein hohes Maß an Empathie und Einfühlungsvermögen
  • Kreativität und Flexibilität
  • Ein hohes Maß an strukturiertem und zielgerichtetem Arbeiten
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit MS-Office, gängigen Online-Conferencing-Tools und allen gängigen Social Media Kanälen
  • Wertschätzende Kommunikation

Wir möchten insbesondere BIPoC mit intersektionalen Lebensrealitäten zu einer Bewerbung ermutigen!

Aussagekräftige Bewerbungen mit allen üblichen Anlagen bitte bis zum 27.11.2023 als eine PDF

Die Bewerbungsgespräche finden voraussichtlich am 06. und 11.12.2023 statt.

Wir freuen uns auf eure Bewerbungen!

Kitchen Tables: work, work… work?

Saturday, September 30th 2023, 1:30 – 6:30 pm

DIE MANEGE at Campus Rütli, Rütlistraße 1-3, 12045 Berlin

This event will be held in German and English spoken language.

Photo of kitchen tables with drawn signing hands and two coffee cups. The photo reads on the right upper corner 'Kitchen Table conversations: work, work... work?'

Kitchen Tables were self-set tables by BIPoCs creating their own spaces of resistance in a world in which, due to patriarchal dominance, they were less acknowledged and/or recognised in discourses. In remembering and celebrating these empowering acts, we want to invite and create space to reflect upon, create and discard theories as well as pass on and learn from each other.

Not only do we take the time to exchange, but we also want to consciously create a space where across communities and generations often invisible topics can be worked on. Therefore, we invite you to join us on Saturday, 30 September 2023 from 1:30 p.m. to create spaces through kitchen table conversations within the framework of this year’s #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken theme “labour”.

For what would work be if we did not make an effort to re_center work that has been denied, erased or forgotten?

Four kitchen tables are set up to discuss with our conversation partners different topics related to work within our BIPoC communities. There will be one rotation so that each participant can take part in two kitchen table conversations in total. At the end we will gather for a common reflection round to conclude together.
As participants, we encourage you to discuss the topics at the respective kitchen table, to accentuate work that is made invisible and to capture struggles, strategies as well as demands and bring them into the room.

Kitchen Table 1 (DLS): Labour Unions, Klassenkampf und Streik – mit Ceren Türkmen und Inés Heider

Kitchen Table 2 (DLS): Arbeit, Behinderung(en) und Staat – mit Geza Gothe und tba

Kitchen Table 3 (ELS): Community support, Emotional Labour and Care (work) – with Armeghan Taheri and GodXXX Noirphiles

Kitchen Table 4 (ELS): Labour, identity and existence – with Farah Abdi and Anguezomo Mba Bikoro

The conversation partners

Anguezomo Mba Bikoro is a visual artist and artistic director of Nyabinghi Lab, independent curator and writer since 2005. Their textual works analyze power processes and fictions of science in historical archives that critically engage with migration and colonial memory. Their focus is on queer indigenous and radical Black feminist biopolitics. In and through performance, Anguezomo has developed formats for ritual through ancestral healing that often expose the interwoven colonial histories of migration in site-specific spaces to dismantle prejudice and create independent emancipatory tools for liberation, education, and reparation. Their works were shown in numerous world Biennales and exhibitions including the Dak’Art Biennale and is author of the upcoming book “Obeah: Ancestries & Queer Grief”.

Foto von Farah Abdi

Farah Abdi is a feminist, journalist, blogger, author, researcher, human rights activist, motivational speaker, and youth education advocate. She came to Europe in the end of 2012, fleeing fear of persecution because of her gender identity. Her work as an activist began as a way to combat the rise in xenophobia, racism, islamophobia, and other forms of discrimination.
Farah has worked relentlessly over the last 8 years to tell the unheard stories of refugees. In 2015, she published her first autobiography, Never Arrive. She has also written columns on immigration for publications like Malta Today and the New Internationalist. In 2017, She was on the Forbes 30 most influential people under the age of 30, in Europe. She continues to work with lawmakers across the continent to advocate for fairer immigration laws.

Photo by Bethany Burgoyne

Armeghan Taheri (aka Robin Hoe) is a writer, artist and editor. She is the founder of “Afghan Punk” – a multilingual community magazine in Berlin that creatively connects international liberation struggles through storytelling. In her artistic practice, she works to break down structurally imposed boundaries of language, art and politics.

GodXXX Noirphiles (Adrian Marie Blount) – Parent to Chance Aijuka/ Non Binary Femme Boi/Founder/Organizer/ Curator/DJ- Is based in Berlin by way of San Diego, CA. After attending San Francisco State to obtain their BA in theatre, they performed in New York, traveled across the country with a touring theatre troupe, then moved to Rhode Island to perform with various Brown University programs including the Center for Slavery and Justice, Brown/ Trinity and Trinity Repertory theatre. Since being in Berlin, Adrian has taught anti-racist and collective healing workshops with various organizations such as Dice Festival and Conference and AfriVenir, dj’d internationally,  performed at Münchener Kammerspiele, Volksbühne, Gorki, Sophiensaele, Ballhaus Naunynstrasse and English Theatre Berlin (and others) and is the founder and lead organizer of the drag collective House of Living Colors for exclusively queer and trans BIPOC.

Foto auf dem Inés Heider ein Megafon in der Hand hält

Inés Heider ist Sozialarbeiterin und arbeitete bis Juli 2023 an einer Oberschule in Neukölln. Wegen einer internen Mail, in der sie die angekündigten Kürzungen im Sozialetat des Bezirks kritisierte, wurde sie fristlos gekündigt. Nun wehrt sie sich dagegen – juristisch und politisch. Seit 2018 schreibt und fotografiert sie für Klasse Gegen Klasse, vor allem über Bildungskrisen, Streiks und Internationalismus.

Ceren Türkmen, arbeitet im Bundesverband der Beratungsstellen für Betroffene rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt. Als Soziologin forscht und promoviert sie zur Geschichte der migrantischen Selbstorganisation, dem Zusammenhang von Race&Class, zu rassistischer Gewalt und Hegemonietheorie und arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Erinnerungskultur, Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Duisburg und als Lehrbeauftragte an der Alice-Salomon Hochschule in Berlin. Als antirassistische Menschenrechtsaktivistin ist sie seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre in Initiativen engagiert und Mitglied im Vorstand des Instituts für Solidarische Moderne.

Anjay Gothe arbeitet als Workshop Facilitator bei Other Nature und gibt seit 2016 Workshops zu Sexualität, Kunst und Trauma. Them hat einen deutsch-tamilischen Vordergrund, ist proudly MÄD (neurodivers), und Genderfluid. Them ist nicht-akademisiert und working class. Anjay hat schon als Putzkraft und Kabelverleger gearbeitet und viel zu viele Jahre Kaffee und Kuchen serviert.

Information about registration:

This event is a BIPoC Safer Space and is therefore explicitly inviting people who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color.
Register at by 28 September 2023 via written, video or audio, or on site on the day of the event.

Please answer the following questions when you register:

  • How have you dealt with the topic so far?
  • Which Kitchen Tables (you can choose two!) do you want to participate in?
  • How do you position yourself in this discussion?
  • Do you have any further needs or do you need support to participate (e.g. childcare or language assistance etc.)?

Please come to the event tested and stay home if you are showing symptoms.

The event takes place within the framework of the LADS-funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Community talk: ‘The Love And Labour of Community Organising’

Friday, June 9th 2023 at 6 pm

Nachbarschaftsgarten Kreuzberg, Entry Corner Zülicher Straße/ Golßenerstraße, 10965 Berlin

This event will take place in English spoken language.

With Soli-KÜFA at 6pm and DJ-Set with DJ Smiley after the Talk!

[O]ne of the most vital ways we sustain ourselves is by building communities of resistance, places where we know we are not alone.

-bell hooks

Communities have been and continue to be spaces of coming together for many, but for others, they also signify spaces of resistance, love, care and, often, a tool of survival. Nevertheless, the required labour to built communities in the first place and continuous efforts to sustain them are often rendered invisible.

In the context of this year’s topic labour within our project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Engl. Thinking of communities in solidarity), we would like to warmly invite you to our community event The Love And Labour of Community Organising on Friday, June 9th 2023, from 6 pm in the neighbourhood garden Kreuzberg (Nachbarschaftsgarten Kreuzberg).

In this light, this event revolves centrally around how categorisation and definitions affect the community (building) at large along following questions:

In what way is community organising considered or not considered to be work/labour?
What does it do with us or for/against us if it is not perceived nor acknowledged as such? Does this follow a well-known pattern? Or does it open possibilities of freedom?
What kind of labour do we actually mean when we speak of labour in this case? Which facets of such labour should be highlighted or were being made invisible?
And how could we include navigating these questions in our own every-day practice?

There is a growing awareness about how forms of work reinforce and partly substitute hierarchies of power, systems and legacies of oppression. Therefore, we would like to take the occasion to not only discuss alliances and coalitions of labour but also precarious, illegalised, invisible, unprotected labour from an intersectional perspective and its forms of resistance and care for each other within community building.

Togther with our special guests Marlize Andre (Casa Kuà), Clementine Burnley and Lucy Ng’ang’a (Break Isolation Group/IWS), we would like to offer the space for an open community conversation in which we can together produce, exchange and pass on knowledge, elaborate on it and contribute to necessary frameworks for successful alliance politics, coalitions and communities.

We’ll be welcoming you from 6pm. The communitWe’ll be welcoming you from 6pm for a Soli-KÜFA. The community conversation will take place between 7.00pm – 9.00pm and afterwards we will end the night with some dancing and an extra nice DJ-Set by DJ Smiley.

Our guests

Clementine E. Burnley

Clementine E. Burnley is a feminist migrant mother, writer, and trainee psychotherapist. Her projects address rupture and repair.
She lives between Edinburgh and Berlin.

Twitter: @decolonialheart
IG: @Ewokila

Lucy Ng’ang’a

Lucy Ng’ang’a is an activist in IWS, a member and the Project Coordinator of Break Isolation Group (BIG), a self organized group by refugee women* for refugee women in International Women* Space( IWS).

BIG aims at breaking isolation, building the capacity of refugee women* to empower them navigate through the Asylum system.
We organize workshops, peer-peer empowerment activities, Lager mobilization visits, Soup kitchen program, soft skills/self development, self care and wellness, nurturing leadership and entrepreneurial skills among the women whereas embracing diversity through queer and cultural inclusitivity.
As women*, we create a platform and build our capacity to speak in our own voices, express ourselves freely, for us and about us and denounce others speaking about us on our behalf without including us through the Lager audio reports.

Marlize Andre

Marlize Andre is a medical professional, activist, and advocate for marginalized communities. With a focus on addressing systemic discrimination in healthcare, Marlize works tirelessly to center the needs and wishes of marginalized communities. They are particularly passionate about advocating for the rights of transgender women and increasing healthcare accessibility for marginalized populations. Marlize’s expertise lies in migration policies and their intersection with healthcare for transgender, intersex, and non-binary persons of color. Through their work, Marlize aims to create an equitable healthcare system that addresses systemic discrimination and uplifts marginalized communities.


This event is a BIPoC safe space and therefore, explicitly aimed at people who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color.

Please register at by June 7th, 2023. 

This event is explicitly addressing self-identification of people affected by racism, so we are very interested why you would like to participate.
It would be great if you could write something about the following points in your registration:

  • In what way have you previously dealt with the topic so far?
  • How do you situate/position yourself within this discussion?
  • Do you have needs or require support to participate (e.g. language assistance etc)?

Where to find Nachbarschaftsgarten Kreuzberg?

Auf dem Foto ist eine gezeichnete Karte abgebildet. Ein grüner Pfeil weist auf den Standort des Nachbarschaftsgartens hin. Dieser befindet sich an der Ecke Züllichauer/Golßener Straße.
Entry Corner Zülicher Straße/ Golßenerstraße

This event takes place within the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Ready, set, Schnipseljagd!

Friday, August 11th, 1.30 pm

Starting point at xart splitta, Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin

The event will take place in English and German spoken language (with communication assistance for
German sign language) and in German sign language.

Wenn die Stadt im Sommer wieder zum Leben erweckt
und die Straßen in der Sonne strahlen
kommen die Menschen aus ihrem tiefen Winterschlaf
wenn sie ihr Getränk im Späti zahlen

Jetzt ist es wieder soweit
wollt ihr wieder etwas Lustiges erleben?
Dann hier liebe QTI*BIPOC, BIPOC und Queers,
ihr könnt mit einer Schnipseljagd Kreuzkölln übernehmen!

Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen
am 11. August durch die Straßen zu ziehen
und auf dem Weg zu der Zielgerade
dem Berliner Alltag zu entfliehen

Bild mit pink-blauem Hintergundverlauf mit einer andeutung der Preise, zu sehen ist ein Buch und ein Magazincover, Tüten und weitere kleine Boxen und ähnliches. Text auf dem Bild ist entsprechend der Beschreibung.

Together with many other groups and organisations we have planned a little surprise for the summer – a Schnipseljagd (you might know it as a treasure hunt)! 

If you’ve always wanted to test who in your circle of friends is more ambitious or just fancy a game in a big group, this is the perfect opportunity.
In groups of five, you’ll move across Kreuzberg and Neukölln, solve puzzles, complete challenges and find the route piece by piece. Be prepare to paint, do a bit of detective work and have a lot of fun – there are no limits to our and your creativity.

Whether on foot, by public transport or by bike, it is up to each group to decide how to get to the next station. It’s not a race – the actual walking time has no influence whether you win or not, instead our independent co-organisers will lovingly award you with points at each station. In the end, the groups with the most points will win – but actually, we all win.

At the finish point, prizes will be distributed and there will be the option to stay together for a while. So bring your blankets and snacks! And if you can’t join us until later, wait for our announcement on Instagram where the finish point is.

Here’s everything again in short facts:
When: Friday 11. August 2023, 1.30pm – 7pm approx.
Where: Starting point at xart splitta, Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin
For whom: QTIBIPoCs + friends: All people who position themselves as Black, Indigenous, POC and/or Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Inter*, Queer

Information about registration 
Please send registrations by Wednesday, 2 August 2023 to:

Groups can be a maximum size of five people, however we encourage people to sign up without an existing group or a full group.
One email per group is sufficient, but please write us the following information: 

  • How many people are in your group?
  • If you are a group with less than 5 people, we would complete you. We try to take wishes into account, but cannot promise anything. Please let us know your needs in this regard.
  • How do you get around in the Schnipseljagd (e.g. public transport, bicycle or on foot)?
  • Do you have any needs or do you need assistance to participate (e.g. communication assistance etc.)?
Bild mit pink-blauem Hintergundverlauf mit Schriftzug Deutsch und Englisch: „Mitwirkende/ Supported by“. Es sind die Logos folgender Organisationen und Gruppen zu sehen: Lebendige Gebärden, Migrationsrat Berlin, LesMigraS, printstar Berlin, BIWoC Rising, oya Bar, Other Nature Shop, korientation, RomaniPhen Archiv, koreaverband, GLADT e.V., Spinnenboden Lesbenarchiv, ndo – neue deutsche organisationen und queerformat.

Big thanks to all the supporters and people who joined organising.
We can’t wait to meet you all again!

This event takes place within the framework of the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

BIPoC literature circle: Labour and resistance

May 25th – October 26th 2023, 6.30 – 8.30 pm

at xart splitta (Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin)

This literature circle will take place in English spoken language.

In recent years, there has been growing awareness about how forms of work reinforce and partly substitute hierarchies of power, systems and legacies of oppression. In capitalism, the categorisation and definition of what labour is and whether or how it is acknowledged or compensated render many forms of labour invisible or unaccounted for.

From care work, which is often undervalued, underpaid and invisibilised in various contexts, to sex work, which is stigmatised and criminalised, to the ongoing legacies of colonialism and the rebranding of (free) labour, to the struggles and emerging solidarity of people living within capitalism, to counterstrategies of survival under the oppressive systems, the definition and understanding of what labour is influenced many facets of our lived realities.

The reading circle aims to understand and discuss different aspects of labour, labour resistance and labour organisation, by exploring various forms and their contextualisation intersectionally.  We will approach the literature from the perspective of our lived experiences. Therefore, by linking our understanding of the literature, our personal experiences and (political) practices with theory, we aim to create a space where we can exchange, enrich and understand theory not only as ‘academically produced and usable’. With room for discussion and exchange, we want to foster a space of imagination informed by history, thought of in the present and envisioning a future (practice).

Information on registration and participation

The reading circle will take place every last Thursday between 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm (25 May – 28 Nov 2023) and consists of seven meetings with following topics:

25. May: Care Work

29. June: Labour and Rest

27. July: Stigmatisation and Criminialisation

31. August: Racial Capitalism

28. September: Borders and Illegalisation

26. October: Community, Solidarity and How to Organize

30. November: A Future Without Through a Present Within

This sessions will take place in our facilities at Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin. We will open our room an hour before the start of the reading circle and are inviting participants warmly to read the literature there or acclimate to the space at the point of arrival.

The reading circle is held in English spoken language and literature will be made available in English. Reading the literature fully is not a prerequisite for participation. However, we encourage you to share your suggestions and wishes regarding the suggested literature.

The literature will be made available to you after confirmation of registration. It will be in English written/spoken language and abstracts of a non-fiction mixture of academic publishings, articles and poems. Reading the literature fully before a session is not a prerequisite for participation.

The reading and discussion group is explicitly aimed at people who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color.

The offer deliberately takes place outside of an academic setting and is explicitly also aimed at people who do not position themselves as parts of academic circles and/or theories. The basis for the meetings is mutual recognition of different forms of knowledge and one’s own experiences.

Please send registrations by Friday, April 28th 2023 to:

It would be great if you could write something about the following points in your registration:

  • Why you have decided to participate in the literature circle?
  • What your expectations and hopes are concerning the literature circle and it’s topics?

This event takes place within the framework of the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.