Gemeinsam Brücken bauen

moderated by Silvia Gegenfurtner and Jul Kolberg  

Postponed – New Date coming soon

at xart splitta, Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin 

This event will take place in German Sign Language and German spoken Language.

We have to work together to build community bridges together! There are already many points of contact between various marginalised communities, created by people with these intersectional life realities. A constant exchange here is important, but often not possible due to a lack of access and frustration with each other. This isolates people with intersectional life realities in particular, as they always have to decide which of their communities they want to partake in this moment. In the distance to each other, we lose sight of common goals and ultimately only strengthen right-wing political forces. This is another reason why it is more important than ever to strengthen bridges of solidarity so that we can continue to fight together.

We want to create a space for mutual exchange and shared learning. We want to share knowledge and strategies in order to tackle challenges together. The goal is to build and strengthen cross-community solidarity bridges between Deaf queer people, Deaf (queer) BIPoCs, hearing BIPoCs and hearing queer BIPoCs.

With this in mind, we invite you to our exchange space workshop “Building Bridges Together“. This will take place on Friday, 26 April 2024 at 5.30 pm.

The workshop will be moderated by Silvia Gegenfurtner and Jul Kolberg. Together we will identify common hurdles and challenges and discuss what we need for stronger practical solidarities and how we can come closer together.

Silvia Gegenfurtner is Deaf, white and queer. Silvia lives and works in Berlin and completed recently a degree in “Critical Diversity and Community Studies” (MA). Silvia deals with social power relations such as audism, racism, ableism and queerphobia from different perspectives. Silvia uses this as a basis for organising workshops that are critical of discrimination, for example on audism, hearing privilege or CIS heteronormativity.

Information about registration:

Register by April 20th 2024 at via text or video. 

This space is an invitation to Deaf queer people, Deaf BIPoCs, hearing BIPoCs, hearing queer BIPoCs. 

Please do answer the following questions when you register:

  • How do you situate/position yourself?
  • In what ways have you engaged with the topic so far?
  • Do you have needs or require assistance to participate (e.g. childcare or language assistance, etc.)?

Please come to the event tested and stay home if you are symptomatic.

The event takes place within the framework of the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Diskriminierungskritisch Dolmetschen

With Silvia Gegenfurtner and Jona Schmitz 

Friday, November 10th & Saturday, November 11th, 2023, 10.00am – 6.00pm
Friday, November 17th & Saturday, November 18th, 2023, 10.00am – 6.00pm

at xart splitta, Hasenheide 73, 10967 Berlin

This event will take place in German Sign Language.

Eine Fortbildung für Deutsch – DGS Dolmetschende und Kommunikationsassistenzen zur (macht-) kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit den eignen Privilegien im Kontext der Dolmetsch-Arbeit und als gemeinsamer Lernraum für diskriminierungssensibleres Übersetzen.

Silvia Gegenfurtner ist Taub, weiß und queer. Silvia lebt und arbeitet in Berlin; und hat dort vor kurzem das Studium “Kritische Diversity und Community Studies” (MA) abgeschlossen. Silvia beschäftigt sich mit gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnissen wie Audismus, Rassismus, Ableismus und Queerfeindlichkeit aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Auf dieser Basis baut Silvia diskriminierungskritische Workshops auf, wie beispielsweise zu Audismus, hörenden Privilegien oder CIS-Heteronormativität.

Jona Schmitz ist hörend, weiß, queer und verortet sich trans* und nicht-binär. Auch er lebt mit seiner Familie und Wahlfamilie in Berlin und arbeitet dort als Dolmetscher. Er beschäftigt sich beruflich, aktivistisch und privat mit Diskriminierung und der Reflexion von Privilegien, insbesondere Audismus, Rassismus, Ableismus sowie Queerfeindlichkeit. Er setzt sich mit Ansätzen aus der Antidiskriminierungsarbeit, aus dem Queerfeminismus und aus der Idee, sich intersektional zu verbünden, auseinander.

Informationen zur Anmeldung

Anmeldung unter bis zum 30. Oktober 2023 per Video möglich.

Bitte gebt bei Anmeldung an, ob ihr an dem Terminblock 1 oder Terminblock 2 teilnehmen möchtet.

Diese Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt.

Grieving Space

Saturday, December 16th, 2023, 1pm &
Monday, December 18th, 2023, 6.30pm

With Tobi

The event will take place online and in English spoken language

Welcome to our Grieving Space. It’s been a couple of tough years now. We are still dealing with the pandemic – its marks are already and will still stay with our communities. As if this isn’t enough, there is quite some right-winging happening in Europe. And too many of us have been going through life-threatening, scary and worrisome situations themselves, have been worried for close others, have lost and are currently still loosing friends and/or family members or had to fight their way to safety. The struggles are real and some go deep.

We think it is important to give us space to mourn and process. That being written, we want to invite you to not necessarily understand mourning as a grieving process of having lost someone. Within our communities – thanks to great peoples’ thoughts – it is in parts practiced as a mourning process of loss also of oneself, of grieving through (emotional) pain, trauma, depressions, worries, sorrow….

You are invited to come as you are to this two part virtual space where participants can be with their grief however they are called to, as we gather. We will be utilising sound baths and somatic offerings as support structures for all who will be in attendance. The space will not center exchange it is meant to be for you and to support you to create a safer space for yourself at home or wherever you want to be and feel good.

Tobi will be facilitating this grieving space with and for you. Tobi is a community-focused artist, facilitator, performer, spiritual worker, singer, writer and parent. They centre their works on the depths and nuances of topics revolving around queer love, politics, black sexuality, healing, Yoruba culture & traditions.
They create inter-generational discourse & worldwide diasporic connections through offerings of healing spaces, recovery rituals, sound baths & workshops.

Register via written, video or audio at 

The grieving space is an invitation for people experiencing racism and/or antisemitism. Thus we kindly ask you to position/write a little about yourself at registration.

The event takes place within the framework of the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Community in Academia Network Meeting

network meeting, community in academia for BIPoC is in the center of the canva, with an orange, gridlike background
network meeting, community in academia for BIPoC is in the center of the canva, with an orange, gridlike background

this time with an input!

Wednesday, December 13th 2023, from 5 pm


There will be no translations, the event will be held in German/English spoken language.

On the occasion of this year’s overall topic “Labour”, we would like to invite BIPoC PhD students and master students interested in doing a PhD to a networking meeting.

People who have recently completed their PhD and or have been working in the academic field for some time are also welcome to come, get to know each other and exchange knowledge!

Our hope is to strengthen and support connections within our academic communities. A lot has already been achieved, work, recognition and spaces have been fought for and in this sense we would like to join in opposing the isolation and exploitation of our community members in and through the university system. For aspiring academics as well, networking is fundamental here and, unfortunately, is still too often embedded in elitist, white spaces.
We hereby like to counter this with our own space.

At the network meeting we want to create an open exchange to get to know each other, to learn from each other and to collect needs and wishes. We will see if this leads to another meeting or further ideas. Let’s get into conversations together, share and empower.

Register by December 12th, 2023 to

The network meeting will be a BIPoC Safer Space, so we are very interested in why you want to attend. Please write something about yourself when you register or answer the following questions:

  • Why do you want to attend?
  • What are your expectations from the network meeting?

Monday, June 5th 2023, from 7 pm

OYA Bar (Mariannenstraße 6, 10997 Berlin)

There will be no translations, the event will be held in German/English spoken language.

On the occasion of this year’s overall topic “Labour”, we would like to invite BIPoC PhD students and master students interested in doing a PhD to a networking meeting.

People who have recently completed their PhD and or have been working in the academic field for some time are also welcome to come, get to know each other and exchange knowledge!

Our hope is to strengthen and support connections within our academic communities. A lot has already been achieved, work, recognition and spaces have been fought for and in this sense we would like to join in opposing the isolation and exploitation of our community members in and through the university system. For aspiring academics as well, networking is fundamental here and, unfortunately, is still too often embedded in elitist, white spaces.
We hereby like to counter this with our own space.

At the network meeting we want to create an open exchange to get to know each other, to learn from each other and to collect needs and wishes. We will see if this leads to another meeting or further ideas. Let’s get into conversations together, share and empower.

Register by May the 29th, 2023 to

The network meeting will be a BIPoC Safer Space, so we are very interested in why you want to attend. Please write something about yourself when you register or answer the following questions:

  • Why do you want to attend?
  • What are your expectations from the network meeting?

This event takes place in cooperation with the project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.

Panel: What we owe each other

On solidarities and mutual aid

Monday, November 27th, 6pm

WEG Spreefeld, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin

The event will be held in English spoken language with translation in German sign language and German spoken language.

“Nothing will work unless you do.” 

—Maya Angelou
Information German Sign Language

Capitalism needs labor to survive. Between exploitative wage labor, the lack of labour rights and protections, stigmatisation and the accumulation of wealth for a few: labour affects more than making money. Whether labour is stigmatised, unprotected, or exploitative, the labour we do (or labour we are not allowed to do) dictates what entitlements, skills, and means we have to exist in society. And if our labour is precarious or in crisis, so are we.

Collective practices, such as Mutual Aid, demonstrate alternative understandings of labor, solidarities, and mutual interconnectedness. They translate the notion of a solidarities into daily and self-engaging practices. Counter-practices are created that confront the oppressive system and its their consequences.

But how do we understand our lives and each other beyond labour, even though capitalism forces us to understand ourselves through our labour and its context? What understanding of ourselves and our lived reality do we need to approach from? How do solidarity practices and labor resistance need to take place to avoid reproduction? How do our lived realities influence this? To what extent do labour-related identity markers facilitate or impede these practices? And how do we deal with the consequences?

In the framework of this year’s topic labour of our project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken (Thinking of communities in solidarity) we invite you to join us on November 27th, 6pm at WEG Spreefeld Berlin, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 14, 10179 Berlin
In this conversation we want to discuss and analyse together how collective solidarities interact with each other to navigate the current reality while realising a new one.

Our speakers:

Asmara Habtezion is an activist, musician and community organizer from Hamburg, founder of the MSO “Asmaraʼs World” with the desire to actively fight discrimination within authorities and to accompany people in their arrival process, to support communities in order to obtain the right to stay and experiences of racism in Germany.

Jihad Yagoubi is a PhD candidate at the Freie Universität Berlin, finalising their doctoral thesis on the topic of “Gender, ethnic and racial identities, and land justice in Morocco”. Jihad’s quest for decolonial praxis blurs the lines between their academic research and community organizing. As an Amazigh Black researcher born and raised in Morocco, Jihad’s academic and activist interests revolve around Black Feminist Thought and Black Internationalism, Feminist Political Ecology, or global conversations around Transformative Justice from the perspectives of marginalized communities. Besides their doctoral thesis, they work towards creating and consolidating Safer Spaces for Queer and racialised (BIPoC) communities

Newroz Çelik is a Kurdish non-binary trans masculine activist who has been involved in different queer and/or trans of color communities in the past 20 years and has some thoughts on certain things. They talk, write, act, dance and laugh a lot. 

Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn is queer, trans non-binary and việt-diasporic, works as a performer, dance theatre maker, choreographer, author, political educator and community organizer. They deal with topics of anti-racism, gender, classism, queerness, diaspora pain, joy & dreams, collective healing and empowerment, and combine these in writing, bodywork, art and the co-creation of community spaces. They also explore what an approach to more sustainable community work can look like in practice and what this has to do with transformative justice and relationship work. Thủy-Tiên is part of the art and empowerment collective Spicy Ginkgo Collective (@spicyginkgo.collective) and part of the consulting collective DisCheck (@discheck_).

Information about registration:

Register via written, video or audio at 

Due to the theme, queer people who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color will be given priority in registration.

Please do answer the following questions when you register:

  • How do you situate/position yourself?
  • In what ways have you engaged with the topic so far?
  • Do you have needs or require assistance to participate (e.g. childcare or language assistance, etc.)?

Please come to the event tested and stay home if you are symptomatic.

The event takes place within the framework of the LADS funded project #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken.