Grieving Space – Ein Raum für Trauer

Samstag, 16. Dezember 2023, 13.00 Uhr
Montag, 18. Dezember 2023, 18.30 Uhr

With Tobi

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Lautsprache statt.

The event will take place online.

Welcome to our Grieving Space. It’s been a couple of tough years now. We are still dealing with the pandemic – its marks are already and will still stay with our communities. As if this isn’t enough, there is quite some right-winging happening in Europe. And too many of us have been going through life-threatening, scary and worrisome situations themselves, have been worried for close others, have lost and are currently still loosing friends and/or family members or had to fight their way to safety. The struggles are real and some go deep.

We think it is important to give us space to mourn and process. That being written, we want to invite you to not necessarily understand mourning as a grieving process of having lost someone. Within our communities – thanks to great peoples’ thoughts – it is in parts practiced as a mourning process of loss also of oneself, of grieving through (emotional) pain, trauma, depressions, worries, sorrow….

You are invited to come as you are to this two part virtual space where participants can be with their grief however they are called to, as we gather. We will be utilising sound baths and somatic offerings as support structures for all who will be in attendance. The space will not center exchange it is meant to be for you and to support you to create a safer space for yourself at home or wherever you want to be and feel good.

Tobi will be facilitating this grieving space with and for you. Tobi is a community-focused artist, facilitator, performer, spiritual worker, singer, writer and parent. They centre their works on the depths and nuances of topics revolving around queer love, politics, black sexuality, healing, Yoruba culture & traditions.
They create inter-generational discourse & worldwide diasporic connections through offerings of healing spaces, recovery rituals, sound baths & workshops.

Register via written, video or audio at 

The grieving space is an invitation for people experiencing racism and/or antisemitism. Thus we kindly ask you to position/write a little about yourself at registration.

Diese Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen des Projektes #CommunitiesSolidarischDenken statt.